
  • Prolactin(催乳素):刺激乳汁分泌
  • Prostaglandins(前列腺素):消除炎症
  • Hemoglobin(血红蛋白):补充血红蛋白,防止产后缺铁性贫血
  • Urokinase inhibiting factor(尿活素抑制因子):止血并促进伤口愈合
  • Gammaglobulin(丙种球蛋白):增强免疫力,预防产后感染
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone(甲状腺促进荷尔蒙):补充精力,恢复体能
  • Cortisone(可的松激素):有效对抗抑郁,释放体能
  • Interferon(干扰素):增进机体免疫力,预防感染
  • Oxytocin(后叶催产素,又称性爱荷尔蒙):帮助子宫回复孕前大小,增进母婴感情

中医认为胎盘为大补之物,现代研究证实,胎盘含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素及铁、钙、磷等微量元素及雌性激素。因 此,近年来越来越多的年轻妈妈开始认识到胎盘的食用价值,并制作成“胎盘胶囊”,当作保健品服用。为了保证胎盘 的营养,Mama Confinement提供最专业、最值得信赖的胎盘胶囊制作服务,利用传统中医工艺制成现代化的胶囊,协 助妈妈们分娩后加快身体恢复。 女人常吃胎盘胶囊能美容养颜,在产后每日口服1-3次,提供多种维生素和矿物质,还帮助促进产后体力恢复、降低产后 抑郁症的几率、减少产后出血量、促进乳汁分泌、补充和平衡体内流失的荷尔蒙等。Mama Confinement拥有专业的胎 盘制作专家,经过美国PBi培训和认证的专业技师和导师; 制作胎盘胶囊按照传统中医的制作方法,全程经过严格消毒和 无菌储存,每个胎盘均为单独加工,杜绝交叉感染的危险。产后产妇身体虚弱,想通过胎盘滋补身体,制作胎盘胶囊的 过程一定要讲究安全、卫生,对产妇的健康和恢复都极为重要。所以,Mama Confinement 胎盘制作专家是您值得信赖 的选择。 胎盘制作专家 www.mamaplacenta.com www.facebook.com/MamaConfinementMalaysiaPlacentaPostpartumService

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mama Confinement Services 

​Malaysia Postpartum Service 产后服务 (No.002555992-D)

(Selangor | Kuala Lumpur | Perak | Johor Bharu | Melaka | Penang | Teluk Intan)

马来西亚胎盘胶囊制作服务 (雪兰莪|吉隆坡|霹雳州|新山 | 马六甲 | 槟城 | 安顺  )

Ingredients of Placenta

Placenta Capsules are referred as "Happy Pills" by my clients. The ingredients that give the placenta its healing properties are:

  • Prolactin: promotes lactation
  • Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory
  • Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition
  • Urokinase inhibiting factor: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing
  • Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events
  • Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores
  • Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections
  • Oxytocin: known as the “love hormone”. It helps your uterus contract to give birth to your baby. It is also present during breast feeding to facilitate bonding of mother and baby.

Mama Confinement Services
Placenta Capsules - Ensuring The Total Recovery Of New Mothers
Mama Confinement Services is a humble home-based postpartum service which helps the
bodies of new mothers to transition through their postpartum period. They have a marvellous
way to help one to avoid the ‘baby blues’ and to treat the symptoms of postpartum depression.
A new mother needs adequate rest to recover, combined with appropriate and necessary
At Mama Confinement Services, they realised via Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that the
placenta in itself is an amazingly great and wonderful tonic. This truly precious gift is packed
with proteins, vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, trace elements and female hormones. In
essence, the human placenta may actually be eaten and indeed more and more mothers are
acknowledging the fascinating health benefits and edible value of placenta.

Marvellously, the placenta created by a mother contains her very own natural hormones. These
hormones are retained following birth and the procedure of ‘reintroducing’ them back to her
system is believed to ease postpartum hormonal fluctuations.
How can this ‘reintroduction’ process be made possible? Through ‘placenta encapsulation’ to
produce ‘placenta capsules’, which is then consumed as a health supplement. And assuredly,
Mama Confinement Services is the placenta encapsulation specialist to guide you through this.
Towards ensuring and maintaining the nutritional value of this beneficial placenta content,
Mama Confinement Services offers a trusted and professional placenta capsule production
procedure involving TCM techniques. The result – traditionally-made precious capsules to
expedite new mothers’ recovering after delivery.
Placenta capsules are also taken as beauty enhancing products especially for skin tone and
complexion refinement. Following her childbirth, mothers are encouraged to take these

capsules 1-3 times daily. Besides containing an abundance of vitamins and minerals, these
placenta capsules help to promote postpartum recovery, minimise the possibility of postpartum
depression, reduce postpartum bleeding and induce milk secretion. Plus the capsules replenish
and regains the balance hormones lost during delivery.
Mama Confinement Services has a staff force comprising professional placenta production
specialists, professional technicians and instructors who have undergone special training,
certified by the American PBi.
These unique placenta capsules are produced in strict adherence to TCM procedures, under
stringent sterilisation, then stored aseptically and safe from any contamination. In fact, each
placenta is processed individually to avert any crossover risk of infection. This is because at
Mama Confinement Services, they recognise that postpartum mothers are already weakened
by their delivery and seek effective nourishment via consuming these hygienically made
placenta capsules. With Mama Confinement Services, new mothers can now find their
‘recovery solution’ with total peace of mind!
Mama Confinement Services has recently won the BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards for the category of Best Placenta Encapsulation Specialist.